这位是圣安东尼奥学院院长,Dr. Naydeen González-De Jesús


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A Seat at the Table with Chancellor Flores: 这位是圣安东尼奥学院院长,Dr. Naydeen González-De Jesús

Dr. Naydeen González-De Jesús joined the 圣安东尼奥学院 (SAC) family in January 2023 as the second female president in the school’s near century-long history. She has a distinguished record of service both in higher education and public diplomacy within the foreign service. 在来SAC之前, she served as executive vice president of student success at Milwaukee Area Technical College and as the public diplomacy officer for the U.S. Embassy in Argentina, dedicating her time to impacting the lives of students from the U.S. and abroad by creating connections and platforms for student success and faculty-led research.

“Dr. 内迪恩是SAC的第13任总裁, which is among the largest single-campus community colleges in Texas and the nation and serves close to 20,每学期5000名学生. In 2021, SAC获得了阿斯彭优秀社区学院奖, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America's community colleges.

Dr. Naydeen和SAC学生和学生会主席, Desteny埃斯皮诺萨, 最近参加了与校长Dr. Mike Flores采访了他们在SAC的经历以及未来的发展.


  • Dr. Naydeen González-De Jesúsr圣安东尼奥学院院长
  • Desteny埃斯皮诺萨,圣安东尼奥学院学生,SGA主席



是什么吸引了博士?. 内迪恩和德斯特尼呼叫SAC

Dr. Naydeen: 吸引我来SAC的原因之一是我们服务的学生和我长得很像. 他们听起来像我. 他们中的许多人都经历了我所经历的许多事情. 我出身贫寒,由单亲妈妈抚养长大. 我是家里第一个接受高等教育的人. So for me, it was very important to go to an institution where the students that we serve are truly the underserved. 这就是我来这里的原因. I believe in the power that education has to transform lives and the power that education has in my life. 不仅在我的生活中,而且在我之后的孩子们的生活中. Right now I can give my kids the opportunity to also pursue higher education and to see the successes in their lives. 这都是因为我决定接受高等教育. To me, we must open doors of opportunity for that to occur for everyone who might benefit from pursuing an education. That’s the key. 这就是我来这里的原因. That’s the reason why the team at SAC is doing everything that we can to ensure opportunities are open for anyone who might want to pursue them.

Espinoza: 说来话长,但我最初的兴趣是医学领域. 我是COVID的毕业生,所以这已经对我的生活产生了很大的影响, but my disability had many impacts that weren’t good in my life and my primary interest was the medical field. I had tried different institutions and I asked if I could please join their program but because of my disability a lot of doors closed right in front of me. I had a lot of people tell me to look for something else I could do, but I was so discouraged. 我经常去找的人是我妈妈,我告诉她我只会工作. 但是她告诉我,“但是你喜欢学校.“当我还是个小女孩的时候, 从我五岁起,我就告诉我妈妈, “有一天我要成为一名教师.“……她说让我们看看SAC能给你提供什么. 我还记得,就像昨天发生的一样. I came into the rock and roll (enrollment) event and I asked if it was OK if I was in a wheelchair and they said yes. 之后我就去上课了. I was enrolled as soon as that Fall in 2021 and from there I started to get involved. The Office of Student Life had events and I started noticing wow this is a nice environment. 这里的人都很友好,他们真的在帮助我. 我不需要去找他们. SAC改变了我的生活,但这是实话. 它不仅在学术上,而且在个人生活上为我提供了机会. I have been able to expand my knowledge and the experiential learning aspect of it. 我已经能够建立人际关系. 圣安东尼奥学院是如此热情好客,这就是我现在把它称为家的原因.


Dr. Naydeen: Right now we are working with the Aspen College Institute and we are right now in an effort called 释放的机会. 解锁机会就是这个意思. We need to assess how we are transitioning our students from an associates to a four year school or we need to ensure they are having a family sustaining wage immediately after they complete with us at SAC. 这是我们首先要做的两件事. 在这样做的过程中,我们需要确保我们与劳动力保持一致. 


Dr. Naydeen: The reason why we’re doing what we’re doing is because of Desteny and students like her. Our students are resilient and determined and they want a better life and they know they deserve a better life and they also understand education is key. 有了这些,SAC未来几年的发展将是惊人的. 我们精力充沛. 我们知道我们的团队都是为了我们所服务的学生. We want to make sure we continue to expand our partnerships with business and industry, with K-12. We also want to make sure we improve our systems and the methods we already have in place to ensure our students have access, 确保他们能留下来, 确保他们通过课程. 


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